1 thought on “242: Beatles Olympiad ’66 part two”

  1. Michael Ackerman

    Hollywood Palace was on ABC on Saturday night (later–usually 9:30 or so), Ed Sullivan was on Sunday night on CBS (at 8 Eastern), beginning in 1967, The Smothers Brothers followed Ed Sullivan.
    The Stones “Let’s Spend Some Time Together” was live vocals over taped tracks (as was Ruby Tuesday from the same show- I was in the room for dress rehearsal). Although the Doors were fully live, that was rare by 1967 (although the Doors were in September 67 and the Stones were in January of 67), most performances were live vocals over taped tracks by then.

  2. Michael Ackerman

    Hollywood Palace was on ABC on Saturday night (later–usually 9:30 or so), Ed Sullivan was on Sunday night on CBS (at 8 Eastern), beginning in 1967, The Smothers Brothers followed Ed Sullivan.
    The Stones “Let’s Spend Some Time Together” was live vocals over taped tracks (as was Ruby Tuesday from the same show- I was in the room for dress rehearsal). Although the Doors were fully live, that was rare by 1967 (although the Doors were in September 67 and the Stones were in January of 67), most performances were live vocals over taped tracks by then.

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