216: Dear Friend

There’s been loads of speculation as to the exact nature of the friendship between John Lennon and Paul McCartney; during and after The Beatles. And when I say “loads,” it runs the gamut from former bandmates who recalled each other fondly from a distance to something encompassing a physical nature. What does seem clear is that between the two of them, while Paul’s descriptions of their relationship stayed pretty constant, John’s went from demonizing Paul in print and song to describing him as his best (male) friend. Somewhere in there lies a truth, and to help unearth it, my guest today is journalist and author Glenn Greenberg, who recently penned an 80th birthday magabook on John.

0 thoughts on “216: Dear Friend”

  1. It’s really infuriating to hear Robert extoll the virtues of presenting fact from fiction on his shows, yet, here once again in this “Dear Friend” episode, he presents a show of pure speculation. At one point stating, “John would never ever take George seriously and I hate to say it, he probably saw George as a useful idiot.” Where did either George or John say this? Then there is the usual tiresome John bashing. The kicker for me though is when Robert tells the story of how Paul remembers the dates of his visit with John watching SNL and proves Paul had to remember it wrong (the one factual point made on the show) and then Robert and his guest spend the rest of the show defending Paul’s every comment as fact, like Paul would never say one thing and really feel something different, or remember facts wrong as Robert proves early on. It’s so frustrating because I really think Robert brings a unique perspective to the Beatles’ history, but he really needs to stop bashing John and defending Paul ad nauseam.

  2. Hey Ron,
    I found the whole interview by Robert very well researched as usual. It was also compulsory listening. Robert has always been even handed and fair in his appraisal of all 4 Beatles and I applaud him for this. He works with the truth and doesn’t tease out a fictitious romance between John and Paul .. that is the well of other platforms.

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