23 thoughts on “SATB Special Announcement”

  1. This sounds really great. I have listen to all SATBs podcasts and they are there at the top of Beatle Pods. Most interesting would be to hear from people with close Beatles connections. Everything from studio workers to ‘ordinary’ connected persons with new insights. An invite to Diana and Thalia from Another Kind Of Mind would bring a fresh angle to the debate. I have been a Beatle fan since ‘She loves you’ was aired on Swedish TV. Good Luck!

    1. Another Kind of Mind is indeed interesting but I find the language to be just too vulgar. I know that sounds a bit prudish, but for me it just gets too heavy. One episode had the F word used what must have been at least twenty times and possibly more.

      Anyone can use such crude language, I want to listen for the scholarship and that requires a more rigorous linguistic approach.

  2. This sounds really great. I have listen to all SATBs podcasts and they are there at the top of Beatle Pods. Most interesting would be to hear from people with close Beatles connections. Everything from studio workers to ‘ordinary’ connected persons with new insights. An invite to Diana and Thalia from Another Kind Of Mind would bring a fresh angle to the debate. I have been a Beatle fan since ‘She loves you’ was aired on Swedish TV. Good Luck!

    1. Another Kind of Mind is indeed interesting but I find the language to be just too vulgar. I know that sounds a bit prudish, but for me it just gets too heavy. One episode had the F word used what must have been at least twenty times and possibly more.

      Anyone can use such crude language, I want to listen for the scholarship and that requires a more rigorous linguistic approach.

  3. Robert,

    I think the conference idea is wonderful. As an academic / lawyer who writes about the intersection of art and politics, I would certainly attend.


    J. Maggio

  4. Robert,

    I think the conference idea is wonderful. As an academic / lawyer who writes about the intersection of art and politics, I would certainly attend.


    J. Maggio

  5. Spencer in California

    I’m interested! Especially in a live Q and A with experts. Not just for questions but for thought-provoking discussion questions.

  6. Spencer in California

    I’m interested! Especially in a live Q and A with experts. Not just for questions but for thought-provoking discussion questions.

  7. Definitely count me in. As with conventions, just speaking for myself personally, I will be much more interested in panel discussions than in live music, and within that condition, concerning history and recorded output, rather than collectible trinkets, fandom, sociology, etc. Certainly, in addition to yourself and other Chicago-based writers, there are also important Beatles authors who have rarely if ever appeared on internet podcasts that you might invite, such as Richie Unterberger and John C. Winn. Regardless, if at all possible I will definitely check the event out.

  8. Definitely count me in. As with conventions, just speaking for myself personally, I will be much more interested in panel discussions than in live music, and within that condition, concerning history and recorded output, rather than collectible trinkets, fandom, sociology, etc. Certainly, in addition to yourself and other Chicago-based writers, there are also important Beatles authors who have rarely if ever appeared on internet podcasts that you might invite, such as Richie Unterberger and John C. Winn. Regardless, if at all possible I will definitely check the event out.

  9. sounds great, robert. i’d love to see the guest list as soon as you can publish it.

    and if you have any live music slots open…

  10. sounds great, robert. i’d love to see the guest list as soon as you can publish it.

    and if you have any live music slots open…

  11. Daniel Bloomfield

    Fantastic idea to bring us some fun and enlightenment during these “times of trouble”. My full support and I look forward to attending/participating virtually from Lima Peru.

  12. Daniel Bloomfield

    Fantastic idea to bring us some fun and enlightenment during these “times of trouble”. My full support and I look forward to attending/participating virtually from Lima Peru.

  13. With the way the virus has kicked up, I think we’re headed for a long, cold winter and this event could be a bright spot! I would mostly be interested in musicianship, composing, recording…etc. But agree I enjoy listening to Erin Weber and also very much your past podcast regarding the Beatles stay in India.

  14. With the way the virus has kicked up, I think we’re headed for a long, cold winter and this event could be a bright spot! I would mostly be interested in musicianship, composing, recording…etc. But agree I enjoy listening to Erin Weber and also very much your past podcast regarding the Beatles stay in India.

  15. This is a great idea, and if love to attend if the times allow. SATB is by far the the best Beatles podcast on the Internet and if the panel discussions you are planning are half as good as your podcast conversations are, they will be amazing and illuminating.
    Thanks again, Robert, for all of your hard work.

  16. This is a great idea, and if love to attend if the times allow. SATB is by far the the best Beatles podcast on the Internet and if the panel discussions you are planning are half as good as your podcast conversations are, they will be amazing and illuminating.
    Thanks again, Robert, for all of your hard work.

  17. This is a great idea. I for one would do my best to “attend”. SATB is the best, most informative and thoughtful Beatles pod on the internet. Your guests are always brilliant and having the chance to put questions to them would be fab.

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into this, Robert.

  18. This is a great idea. I for one would do my best to “attend”. SATB is the best, most informative and thoughtful Beatles pod on the internet. Your guests are always brilliant and having the chance to put questions to them would be fab.

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into this, Robert.

  19. I think this sounds fantastic! I really support this plan, and would love to see a Beatles conference approach that focuses on scholarly research, panels, celebration, and FUN. Lord knows we all could use some fun in our lives at this time!
    I would love to see a zoom, or JITSI type platform with presentations available. break away sessions with participants interacting, and questioning opportunities for panelists. Additionally, utilize the expertise and experiences of your participants! That is crucial, and will help create a more tangible buy in where people who want to participate have the opportunity.
    Another thing to consider is provide some sessions that provide support, education, and development, for instance, a session on budding writers, creating podcasts, research methodology, primary vs. secondary/tertiary sources, etc. This could also be something you are able to continue longer than just the event! There are a lot of possibilities.
    The live music is good, but to be honest I get a little bored of just hearing cover versions of Beatles and Beatles related music… but I know that is probably just me. I would more than likely forego that aspect of the event. But would be a very enthusiastic participant in the “conference” aspect of the event.
    I am an educator and I see a lot of potentials for this beyond just a sit and get session. Thanks for your innovation and enthusiasm! AWESOME!

  20. I think this sounds fantastic! I really support this plan, and would love to see a Beatles conference approach that focuses on scholarly research, panels, celebration, and FUN. Lord knows we all could use some fun in our lives at this time!
    I would love to see a zoom, or JITSI type platform with presentations available. break away sessions with participants interacting, and questioning opportunities for panelists. Additionally, utilize the expertise and experiences of your participants! That is crucial, and will help create a more tangible buy in where people who want to participate have the opportunity.
    Another thing to consider is provide some sessions that provide support, education, and development, for instance, a session on budding writers, creating podcasts, research methodology, primary vs. secondary/tertiary sources, etc. This could also be something you are able to continue longer than just the event! There are a lot of possibilities.
    The live music is good, but to be honest I get a little bored of just hearing cover versions of Beatles and Beatles related music… but I know that is probably just me. I would more than likely forego that aspect of the event. But would be a very enthusiastic participant in the “conference” aspect of the event.
    I am an educator and I see a lot of potentials for this beyond just a sit and get session. Thanks for your innovation and enthusiasm! AWESOME!

  21. Great idea and a lot of great suggestions. Similar to John Walker, I would be interested in panel discussions on key historical points in Beatle history where more clarity would be really helpful or where there are several competing narratives. For each topic, perhaps a little background, questions from moderator as well as audience to the panel. For sure include Erin on an appropriate topic!

  22. Great idea and a lot of great suggestions. Similar to John Walker, I would be interested in panel discussions on key historical points in Beatle history where more clarity would be really helpful or where there are several competing narratives. For each topic, perhaps a little background, questions from moderator as well as audience to the panel. For sure include Erin on an appropriate topic!

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