140: John Lennon: The Boy Who Became A Legend with Michael Hill

It isn’t often that we are given a firsthand account from somebody who set in motion events that literally changed the world. But there we are and here it is: Michael Hill was a classmate and friend of John Lennon’s, beginning at age 5. A keen observer and articulate narrator, he has set his recollections down for all of us in his book, John Lennon: The Boy Who Became A Legend.

As Michael himself points out, lots of boys went to school with John Lennon but only one – this one – stirred something inside the directionless 15 year-old and set him on the path to rock – and conquer the world in the process.

Check out Michael’s story – and his book – here:

5 thoughts on “140: John Lennon: The Boy Who Became A Legend with Michael Hill”

  1. Louis Pacifico

    I don’t know what to say. I really love this podcast. Never got this close to the real John Lennon. Most grateful and appreciated for this opportunity. ?

  2. Louis Pacifico

    I don’t know what to say. I really love this podcast. Never got this close to the real John Lennon. Most grateful and appreciated for this opportunity. 🎸

  3. Mr Rodriguez-
    Just discovered your podcast. Love it! Great interview! What an interesting, thoughtful and clearly spoken man Mr. Hill is. This book was a wonderful read. Bought it the moment I saw it was available. I was totally taken by surprise just now when Mr. Hill read my ‘review’ of his book toward the end of the podcast. What a treat! Also, I was led to this podcast page while trying to track down more info on your book about Revolver, which I ordered. Looking very forward to reading it.

  4. Mr Rodriguez-
    Just discovered your podcast. Love it! Great interview! What an interesting, thoughtful and clearly spoken man Mr. Hill is. This book was a wonderful read. Bought it the moment I saw it was available. I was totally taken by surprise just now when Mr. Hill read my ‘review’ of his book toward the end of the podcast. What a treat! Also, I was led to this podcast page while trying to track down more info on your book about Revolver, which I ordered. Looking very forward to reading it.

  5. Robert Rosen (not the diaries guy)

    A nice warm-hearted interview. I was glad to hear your guest talk about John’s close and loving relationship with his Uncle George. As an adoptive parent I might be a little sensitive to this but far too often it seems like biographies give short shrift to adoptive parents, stepparents, legal guardians etc. I mean look at how much more has been written about Fred Lennon who John barely spent any time with compared to George Smith who coparented John for a decade. The loss of Julia had to be even more devastating to John given the loss of George just a couple of years earlier.

  6. Robert Rosen (not the diaries guy)

    A nice warm-hearted interview. I was glad to hear your guest talk about John’s close and loving relationship with his Uncle George. As an adoptive parent I might be a little sensitive to this but far too often it seems like biographies give short shrift to adoptive parents, stepparents, legal guardians etc. I mean look at how much more has been written about Fred Lennon who John barely spent any time with compared to George Smith who coparented John for a decade. The loss of Julia had to be even more devastating to John given the loss of George just a couple of years earlier.

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