79: Beatle Politics


Given the imminent wind-down of the current political season, Richard and Robert thought it timely to examine the political interests connected to The Beatles, both during and after their collective career. Songs include “Taxman,” “All You Need Is Love” and “Save The World.”

Find Robert’s books here.

Find Richard’s books here.

0 thoughts on “79: Beatle Politics”

  1. Some notable things you forgot to mention:
    Paul wrote political songs during the “Off The Ground” sessions in 1993, “Looking for Changes”, “Peace in the Neighbourhood” “C’mon People”, “Hope of Deliverance” & the B-side “Big Boys bickering”
    George also had a protest song called “Tears of the World”.
    Paul wrote the Fireman song “Sing the Changes” for Barack Obama
    He received the congressional Library prize from Obama in 2010 so of course he endorses him.
    Also Ringo was never too political in his music but this year he was one of the rockers who protested North Carolina’s anti-trans bathroom bill by not touring there.

    1. Yeah, Tony, we realized past a certain point that there were far too many examples to cover to shoehorn into a single show, so we tried to hit the main ones. Besides the examples you cite, there was also Ringo’s participation in the anti-Apartheid “Sun City” single, as well as John’s “God Save Us” one-off for Oz magazine.

  2. A few points. The acorns were at Coventry Cathedral not Cambridge.The acorns were stolen shortly afterwards so they never grew into trees. I was there a few weeks ago looking for the trees. Sadly it never happened. A few Harold Wilson points. He had quite a few loose connections with The Beatles. He was the MP for Huyton a Liverpool suburb. The Beatles played many times in Huyton. Stu Sutcliffe went to school in Huyton and is buried in the cemetry at Huyton church. There is now a statue to Harold in Huyton town cntre.
    Also Paul’s Auntie Gin lived in Huyton, the house where they had the infamous Bob Wooler party.
    A final comment: I think you are the first people to play a Rolf Harris record on the radio since his imprisoment two years ago. Now there’s a first!

  3. Ringo recently cancelled a tour in protest to the toilet things for boys who are trapped in a girl’s body… I don’t know exactly what the protest was about. I can understand men who wants to urinate on girl’s toilets, usually they are cleaner, but why on Earth a girl would like to use a dirty smelly man’s cubicle ????
    I think that musicians should think about music and let politics to those in charge.

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