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Ben Rowling and I resume our conversation with the author of The Beatles Recording Reference Manuals series. In this episode, we talk gear (amps and guitars), as well as examine some long-held beliefs about certain recordings.
Check out Jerry’s series here.
It was argued in the show that McCartney played all the guitars in Michelle. It was put forth that these parts would usually have been recorded together and that the only reason that they were not was because McCartney played them all. (All may refer to two guitars and a bass or three guitars and a bass, I’m not sure.)
But I believe I heard a Lost Lennon Tapes where Lennon was practicing his part in the song Michelle. If I remember correctly, he was having some trouble with the part.
Could it be that Lennon’s part was recorded as an overdub because he had a hard time with the part? If Lennon was messing up the part more often than not I can see a case where McCartney would rather sing it without worrying about Lennon. Let Lennon overdub it.
Even if I am wrong here, the idea that Lennon was practicing the part must be brought into this argument. Or did I misremember The Lost Lennon Tapes?
The jazziness of the solo may not be Harrison’s style, but isn’t it Lennon’s, as he seemed to show on later Beatles songs?
Great show. I miss the discussion aspect the shows used to have. Now the shows are mostly interviews. Having the two hosts and the one guest was a great idea. Love the shows but think having two hosts would be great.
Matt Demakos
What TV show featured Octopus’s Garden? The only promotion for anything from AR I remember is the Somethin video.
Fascinating conversation, chaps!
Nice show…regarding McCartney s Yamaha …he was offered it and accepted and had to wait 6 months for them to made a left handed one. ..
A1 guys – loved it. More of same please…..please me.
To paraphrase George Harrison though ” you weren’t there” ! I do find it endlessly facsinating though to pore over these recordings and break then down especially being a musician myself. Having read a lot of earlier books attempting to do this I find constant obvious glaring errors as to what and who played what instrument on different tracks. I hope this one is closer to correct and it sounds like it is! I hope to be able to look through all of these volumes eventually. I asume they are NOT in any bookstores currently? Can they only be purchased online?
Doesn’t Yer Blues also have a snare drum overdub because the snare was lost on the basic track? I swear I remember reading that somewhere.
I’ve really enjoyed the podcast. When listening to the comments re. Michelle I remember reading a quote from George Martin saying he wrote the solo on piano and George Harrison played it note for note. If you want to see the quote its here. beatlesebooks.com/michelle The in depth story to Beatles songs.Thank Dennis
Yes! Another good show. Really enjoyed it. Thank you.