Cheer Down
Cheer Down
(video produced by Richard Buskin)
Cheer Down
(video produced by Richard Buskin)
It occurred to us, as it must have with everyone else, that the release of Eight Days A Week really called for an accompanying soundtrack, or at least a parallel collection of music spanning the whole of The Beatles’ documented live performing career.
At the suggestion of Executive Producer Rick Wey, Richard and Robert discuss “the Kinfauns Tapes” (or “the Esher Demos”): 27 new songs composed by John, Paul and George mostly in Rishikesh,
Reminisce with Robert and Richard through a post-Beatles year where residual mania was still rampant, taking the form of two motion pictures – two television specials – two albums from ex-Beatles –
Given the imminent wind-down of the current political season, Richard and Robert thought it timely to examine the political interests connected to The Beatles, both during and after their collective career.